Prairie gayfeather/Blazing star (Liatris pycnostachya) and Rattlesnake master (Eryngium yuccifolium).
After the Texas Legislature designated the UH Coastal Center as the Texas Institute for Coastal Prairie Research and Education in 2017, a focus group convened at the Coastal Center. It was apparent that restoration—both in actual practice and in the study of the restoration process—would be important to the Institute’s future.
The UH Coastal Center recognized the Institute would greatly benefit from assembling an advisory group whose members recognized the role the Institute could play in coastal prairie restoration and were willing contribute their expertise.
The Technical Advisory Committee is composed of prairie experts from state and federal resource agencies, private non-profits and private firms. The Institute benefits from the advice of the advisory committee and appreciates their service.
Jaime Gonzalez
Houston Urban Conservation Programs
Texas Nature Conservancy
Kevin Hartke
Regional Biologist
Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
Kelly Norrid
Wildlife Biologist
Urban Wildlife Technical Guidance, Wildlife Diversity Program
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Greg Pleasant
Region 4 Fire Management Coordinator
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Jason R. Singhurst
Botanist/Plant Ecologist
Nongame and Rare Species Program
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Andrew Sipocz
Region 4 Natural Resource Coordinator
State Parks Division
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Garry Stephens
Wildlife Habitat Federation
Aaron Tjelmeland
Texas City Prairie Preserve
Upper Coast Project Director
Texas Nature Conservancy
Jarrett (Woody) O. Woodrow, Jr.
Fish and Wildlife Biologist
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Coastal Program
Texas Mid-coast Refuge Complex